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Affordable housing plants the seeds of equity.

Introducing the NEW Community Roots Housing monthly giving program!

What does it mean to cultivate community?

To cultivate community is to create and maintain conditions that promote equity: fair and just opportunities and outcomes for all.

Quality, safe, affordable places to call home are at the root of equitable communities, reducing barriers to the resources and opportunities needed to support a quality life. By working together to combat Seattle’s housing crisis, we’re planting the seeds for our neighbors to put down roots and thrive.

cultivate (kuhl·tuh·vayt)
transitive verb:
a proactive and intentional effort to encourage growth, improvement, or positive change

Affordable housing is at the core of what we do at Community Roots Housing, but its benefits branch out far beyond a place to call home.

With a lighter burden to fulfill essential needs, individuals and families can engage in their communities, invest in opportunity, build financial resilience, and deepen their sense of stability.

Get rooted in making an impact

Since 1976, Community Roots Housing has worked to foster thriving, equitable communities. With a gift of $19.76 a month (or more!), your donations can help ensure that every neighbor has access to the safe, quality, and affordable home they deserve.

By becoming a Community Cultivator, you will help nurture a socially just, culturally rich Seattle.

2024 monthly giving levels and benefits include:

Monthly donation


Gifts up to $19.76 per month are equivalent to nearly 15 back to school supply kits for the youngest Community Roots residents, helping to prepare them for the school year with new backpacks, notebooks, and more. Sprout benefits include: Promo sticker and annual report recognition
Monthly donation


Recurring gifts between $20 and $99 can equate to approximately 3 resident social events throughout the year, like community breakfasts or monthly birthday celebrations, strengthening the sense of community within a Community Roots building. Bud benefits include: Promo sticker, thank you gift, early event registration, and annual report recognition
Monthly donation


Gifts of at least $100 per month could help renovate resident kitchens, providing new energy efficient refrigerators for up to 3 households. Bloom benefits include: Promo sticker, thank you gift, early event registration, two comped event tickets, and annual report recognition

Did you know?

Monthly giving is...


Monthly gifts can be made in any amount. Committing to a gift that is broken down into smaller increments throughout the year is not only budget friendly, it's a great opportunity to increase your total annual donation and the impact of your support!


It only takes a few minutes to set up a monthly gift with a credit card or electronic funds transfer. After that, you will be automatically charged every month – no need to worry about remembering to re-enter your payment details!


Monthly gifts ensure a steady source of funding for Community Roots Housing's work to create inclusive housing and foster thriving, just communities. Dependable cashflow spread throughout the year strengthens financial stability, sustainability, and adaptability, supporting more precise budget planning and giving us flexibility in how funds are used.


Regular donations improve our agility during times of crisis or uncertainty. Flexible funding helps us efficiently and effectively respond to evolving community needs and enables Community Roots to serve more of our neighbors.

By giving monthly, recurring donors have a lasting impact on creating sustainable change.

Questions about monthly giving?

Contact Amy Forsaith at

Frequently asked questions